17: European Institute of Technology
Pioneers into Practice Evaluation
- European Institute of Technology
Evaluation of the Pioneers into Practice (PiP) Programme
European Institute of Technology
The aim of the evaluation was to assess the quality and impact of PiP interventions. The evaluation provides insights from co-ordinators and participants on their experiences of the programme since its formation some five years ago and draws on desk material, data and reports. It is anticipated the evaluation will act as a platform for its continued success and development over the next few years. As it has matured, the programme has been a very worthwhile experience for those involved and it can demonstrate that it has achieved far-reaching impacts amongst many participants across Europe. To help build upon this success and plan for the programme’s future development, the evaluation identified priorities for the programme including a three year strategic plan, enhancing the programme’s value proposition and taking advantage of new opportunities as part of the Climate-KIC education pillar.

“Inspire, excite and affect lasting change”
“Pioneers into Practice (PiP) is one of Climate-KIC’s central initiatives designed to inspire, excite and effect lasting change. A knowledge development and placements programme, it brings together practitioners and others to explore, test and communicate evidence on different approaches to low carbon skills development.”
~ PiP Evaluation, 2015