16: Derbyshire County Council / Derbyshire Economic Partnership
Derbyshire County Council / Derbyshire Economic Partnership
Derbyshire Economic Strategy Statement (DESS)
Derbyshire County Council / Derbyshire Economic Partnership
Kada was subcontracted to ekosgen to work with Derbyshire Partners to develop a framework for joint working and the prioritisation of delivery across the County. The strategy also recognises Government growth policy and the Local Enterprises Partnerships (LEPs) and sets out both Derbyshire’s economic offer and needs for any future national and EU investment. The DESS was prepared following a comprehensive consultation process with Derbyshire Partners and review of local economic strategies and plans. This process culminated in two workshops with Cabinet Members and Local Authority officers in March 2014 to review and refine DESS objectives and priority actions.
“Manufacturing excellence”
“As the birthplace of the industrial revolution and with a strong tradition of manufacturing excellence, Derbyshire is well placed to capitalise on the new technological revolution which will drive economies of the future.”
~ DESS, 2014