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14: Humber LEP

European strategic investment framework and strategic economic plan

  • 2014

  • Humber LEP (w/ Eksogen)


Humber LEP

Ekosgen-led assignment to develop ambitious plans for the Energy Estuary.

Here as sub-contractors to ekosgen we worked closely with the LEP team and partners to craft a narrative for the area around the Energy Estuary underpinned by evidence and agreed by stakeholders. Kada was also commissioned with ekosgen to prepare the LEP’s strategic economic plan. These studies involved major business and stakeholder consultation events on the north and south bank and negotiations with senior politicians and officers. The Humber managed to secure a £366m growth deal package.

“Major investment”

“We believe that we are on the brink of an extremely exciting and transformational period of economic activity in the Humber, driven by major investment in and around our estuary.”

~ Humber ESIF, 2014-2020