Economic Impact Assessment and Asset Infrastructure Audit for Hull’s Creative and Cultural sector
This micro site provides a summary of Kada’s Impact Assessment and Asset Audit of Hulls Creative and Cultural Sector. The report reviewed the scope and scale of the sector through economic and skills data and mapped the city’s cultural assets providing insights into the challenges and opportunities surrounding Hulls infrastructure.
A suite of reports was undertaken for this study which appear below each in varying detail. The study involved a small pool of discussions with stakeholders operating within the sector, extensive desk and statistical analysis of employment, enterprise, occupational and skills data and a mapping exercise of the cities creative and cultural assets.
Report 01: Management Summary. This short management summary highlights the key headlines from a review of the economic impact of Hull’s Creative Industries and Cultural Sector and an infrastructure review.
Report 02: Executive Summary. This executive summary builds on the management summary and highlights the study findings in more detail, focussing on Hull’s creative and cultural strengths and challenges to identify priorities for developing the city’s creative businesses, employment, skills and assets.
Report 03: Main Report. This document details the findings in full, providing a review of the sectors economic impact, stakeholder discussions and the mapping of Hulls cultural assets with some final conclusions.
Report 04: Technical Annex. This document provides supplementary and supporting data for the Creative Industries and Cultural Sector report. It includes further information about the scope of stakeholder engagement, additional skills and pathways data, business and occupation definition tables, and underpinning methodological details for the subject and sector definitions for the economic and skills analysis featured in the main report.