BSc (Hons) Dip TP MPhil MRTPI

Study Director, Master-Coach, Economic Development Consultant, Facilitator and Programme Strategist, Appraiser and Evaluator.

Career History

Karl Dalgleish is a Chartered Town Planner with over 28 years’ experience in economic development in the public and private sector. Since 2011 he has been a director of Kada Research – a niche practice focusing on UK and International programme evaluation and strategy development and impact assessment. For seven years he was a director at ekosgen working on many economic strategies and evaluations for UK authorities and partnerships. Previously, as an Associate Director at ecorys, he worked on pan-EU assignments. He started his career as a researcher at Sheffield Hallam University at the Centre for Regional, Economic and Social Research.


His particular strengths are in business improvement, enterprise, innovation and technology, low carbon and renewable energy, ICT and technology, health and housing, innovation, public policy and sectors/clusters. He has assessed many social, employment and skills programmes too and has expertise around social inclusion and culture. He has worked on the economic impact of economic shocks and recovery programmes.


He has worked extensively for the LEP network across England, UK governments and Government bodies and institutions. He has also worked for private and third sector clients and on urban and rural development. Karl has managed and directed many regional, UK and International assignments. He is a trustee of a homeless charity in Sheffield, the Cathedral Archer Project.


Karl’s skills include: facilitation and negotiation; coaching; qualitative and quantitative analysis; strategy and policy development; economic impact assessment; report writing, appraisal, and analysis; presentation; project management; business planning; managing and working to deadlines.

Outside of Work

Karl loves swimming and walking. He is married to Jan and has a daughter Keira and dog called George. He enjoys film, art, and travel.

Interesting Fact

Karl spent a year in Israel and Egypt starting on a Kibbutz.