Jan joined the Kada Research Board of Directors in March 2022 and brings a wealth of over 20 years relevant research and evaluation experience to the board. She has an MA in Social Science Research Methods and expertise in qualitative and mixed methods research.
As a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University, Jan has managed numerous evaluative studies for a wide range of clients. Her research often focuses on examining the impact of energy policy and affordable warmth initiatives on people living in vulnerable circumstances. She has an extensive track record of investigating issues related to energy poverty, cold homes and health; undertaking impact assessments of various housing investment and improvement policies; researching the third sector examining the impact of health and social care integration programmes and assessing their success in terms of the impact on health and social care systems and organisations, and on health and wellbeing outcomes.
Jan’s years of research experience mean she brings considerable knowledge and insight to the board of what it is like to work as researcher, she also offers invaluable advice on Kada’s research and evaluation processes and its future development.
Outside of Work
Jan is mum to a 14-year-old daughter and enjoys walking, reading, films and socialising. She is married to Kada’s Director, Karl Dalgleish
Interesting Fact
Jan once spent an evening lost in Hanoi looking for her hotel on a tuk-tuk!