6: Economic development strategy
Surrey Heath Borough Council
Economic Development Strategy
Surrey Heath Borough Council
Surrey Heath has a vibrant and dynamic local economy, a superb quality of life and being located south of London just off the M3 it has strong connectivity. Over the next few years the Borough will witness some significant transformational investments worth several hundred million pounds as it revitalises its town centre. The Borough’s officers and members were keen to take a proactive stance in relation to economic development to ensure that these and other new opportunities are exploited for benefits of businesses, residents and visitors. Kada Research were commissioned to draft a strategy for the borough. We set out the council’s ambitions very clearly within the strategy and accompanying action plan and describe in detail the performance and potential of Borough.
The council is keen to work with others in the coming years to ensure its local economy continues to retain its economic prosperity, improve its connectivity and provide a great place that encourages people to meet, interact and trade. The client said “You did a great job for us and we’re very grateful.”

“Strongly performing”
“Surrey Heath is a small but strongly performing economy that will witness something of a transformation in the next decade or so as the Borough invests in major new housing developments, town centre renewal and transport infrastructure enhancements.”
~ Surrey Heath Economic Development Strategy, Kada Research, 2014