45. How successful was the Cornwall Apprenticeship Campaign?
I found them all to be very helpful, quick to respond to my queries and just got on with the task in hand, whilst regularly updating and checking in with me.
– Cathie Kessell (Employment and Apprenticeship Officer, Economic Growth Service, Cornwall Council)
Cornwall Council’s Economic Growth Service, the Local Enterprise Partnership and Growth Hub, together led a campaign to inform local businesses about apprenticeships. Its aim was to increase apprenticeship starts, boost workforce skills and overcome outdated perceptions of apprenticeships, which were a barrier to uptake. Cornwall County Council had a budget for the Campaign and wanted to make sure it was being spent wisely before committing to another round of support. Kada was asked to assess the effectiveness of the Campaign and suggest enhancements.
The study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. It reviewed the strategic and operational backdrop for delivery and described key elements of the Campaign. The report reviewed marketing statistics and analytical intelligence including apprenticeship take-up. Discussions with intermediaries, delivery staff, contractors and businesses were held, focusing on the quality, pitch and effectiveness of Campaign. An analysis of good practice from elsewhere was undertaken. The Campaign has performed well, and the quality of the website improved, deepening interaction with the site. Apprenticeship starts were also steadily increasing. The next iteration of the Campaign will build on the successes achieved through social media and other activity, continue to innovate in its dissemination of apprenticeship intelligence on policy and practice, and respond clearly and robustly to changing employer needs and the impact of Covid-19.
Although I only worked with Karl and his team for a short while, I found them all to be very helpful, quick to respond to my queries and just got on with the task in hand, whilst regularly updating and checking in with me. Their resulting report was delivered on time (during Covid-19 lock-down) and was very informative and has provided much ‘food for thought’/ideas for incorporation into the next phase of the Campaign.
-Cathie Kessell (Employment and Apprenticeship Officer, Economic Growth Service, Cornwall Council).
Get in touch: If you are thinking about an evaluation of a project or programme you are involved with, e-mail karl.dalgleish@kadaresearch.co.uk and he will respond within 24 hours.