37. Maximising exporting in the creative sector in Leeds City Region.
The West Yorkshire Combined Authority commissioned Kada Research to undertake a review of exports for the creative sector. As a significant sector within the region, the LEP was considering how it could best add value and support creative businesses and their international activity and bolster the long-term resilience of indigenous businesses. The study was commissioned to better understand the current international focus of the sector and its future ambition to grow overseas markets. It drew on a mix of global desk research and consultations with leading companies and stakeholders.
We found local barriers to international trade, such as a lack of information on how to go about exporting products, and a lack of international contacts and links. We spoke to local businesses in the creative industries, who told us they needed support in securing funding and grants and would welcome contact with more experienced exporters. Based on our research, we structured a detailed action plan around key areas such as simplifying, connecting, inspiring and investing. Our plan provided the LCR Enterprise Partnership with a structured outline of the steps it could take to make progress in growing local creative enterprise, creating international trade links, and supporting small regional businesses in developing and exporting creative products.
The work was completed on time and, according to the client, to a high standard.
Want to assess trade performance in your area or a sector’s propensity to trade? Need a plan of action for international trade support? Get in touch with karl.dalgleish@kadaresearch.co.uk and we can tell you how it can be done.