Humber Levelling Up
This micro site provides a summary of some ‘levelling up’ research into current and future exports in the Humber funded by the Department of International Trade. It highlights emerging opportunities for export growth following the UK’s exit from the EU and any addressable business support barriers to achieving that growth. A suite of reports was undertaken for this study which appear below. The study involved discussions with stakeholders, a business survey and extensive desk and statistical analysis. An interactive dashboard of trade statistics was also developed for the study which can be accessed here.
Report 01: Trade Statistics Report. This report provides an analysis of trade data for the Humber. It draws on two official sources of data for an overview of trade flows, EU dependency, trade partners and sectors. It gives an overview of trade flows, EU dependency and trade partners more generally.
Report 02: Business Trade Survey Results. This report summarised a survey conducted with 119 businesses from the Humber sub-region in February and March 2021. It explores export propensity, key markets and future expectations. Target markets and business preparedness for the EU Exit since the announcement of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (T&CA), implications of the deal, support requirements and future trade priorities are also investigated. Interest in the new Free Trade Agreements and the Humber Freeport are considered. The report concludes with a review of business support requirements.
Report 03: Contextual Report Trade Challenges and Potential. This contextual report reviews the current context for international trade nationally. It also discusses the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (December 2020) and new Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). It considers global trade trends and opportunities for Humber businesses and for priority and other sectors. It discusses the potential for export in the Humber in the light of the global economy and national and regional priorities.
Report 04: Stakeholder Findings and Recommended Further Action. This report highlights the key points from interviews with key stakeholders with an interest in international trade including export advisors, export ambassadors, DIT staff and other stakeholders. The report concludes with a comprehensive set of recommendations building on all four reports completed as part of this study.